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what we do

Mosaic is about family. We come together each week in various ways to connect, support, and challenge one another in our faith and lives. The beauty of this is that at any point in time, Mosaic will be a beautiful reflection of who we are and who we are becoming, like a work of art in progress.


Mosaic was started in 2019 through a group of friends committed to one another and their relationship with God and our community. We are excited about finding ways to do church, live lives of compassion and impact, and learn from one another along the way. 


If you have any questions, please email us! We'd love to hear from you.

Discipleship Groups

The heart of growing in our faith often comes down to connecting with a few others to share life with. Our discipleship groups (new ones starting soon) are designed to give you a solid small group of friends to meet with regularly to encourage and support one another in our faith and lives. Email us for more info or if you'd like to join a Mosaic discipleship group!

Community Service & Relationships

God's calling for the church is to be sent out into the community and neighborhoods, seeking to love, serve, and be a blessing to all.  We practice this value through supporting and participating in local organizations that help others.

get involved!

We'd love to have you join us! The best way to find out what we're up to and where we're meeting is to email us, and keep an eye on this website.

Kids and Youth

You love your kids and so do we! Mosaic is all about family and we encourage kids to be involved in everything we do. We often have activities for kids during our Sunday times, and we often incorporate them into our worship gatherings as well. We also plan entire events for our children- like back to school, holiday events, and more!

Creative & Traditional Worship

We know there are many ways to connect with God. Some people like a traditional Sunday worship time, some people prefer a walk in a park or meeting God in nature or over a great meal with friends. At Mosaic, we have a "traditional" worship gathering on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month with music, a teaching, and communion. On the 2nd Sundays, we celebrate in the evening with a big potluck and worship and prayer.   The 4th Sunday evening is also a potluck, with a focus on playing together and inviting friends to come experience our community.

Missional Communities

Jesus spent more time on the streets and in people's homes that in the synagogues and in the temple.  Likewise, we team up together in mid-size groups to create natural ways to invite friends, neighbors, and anyone else to experience the love of Christ through Jesus' disciples.

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